
Berufsverband deutscher Biologen e.V. (BDBiol) Professional Association of German Biologists

BDBiol is a professional Association of German Biologists. Most members are self-employed and working alone or in small partnerships. BDBiol acts on behalf of its members, and presents the members and their offices to the public via Internet.
The members are, among other things, involved in the following fields of activity:  

  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Landscape Planning
  • Nature Conservation
  • Chemical and Biological Analyses
  • Monitoring
  • Renaturation and Environmental Rehabilitation
  • Flora-Fauna-Habitat Directive / Natura 2000
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Geografical Information Systems (GIS)
  • Journalism
  • Renewable Energies

  In most of these fields of work it’s recommendable to involve biological experts and their knowledge at an early planning-stage, because a lot of by-laws require high quality biological and environmental data.
Members of BDBiol command efficient, frequently interdisciplinary-staffed offices and/or laboratories and are able to successfully handle large projects.
Contracting entities are public authorities, as well as private organisations, companies or associations. BDBiol communicates with its members via email and works together with other organisations such as bfb-Bundesverband der Freien Berufe or BBN – Bundesverband Beruflicher Naturschutz.  

Steering Commitee: